The Cyber Acoustic Future…
The new online edition of FolkWorks magazine posted May 1. It contains an exploration called “The Cyber Acoustic Future: It’s not what you think” as this edition’s offering of my regular column there.
We look at why the state of the music industry is what and where it is, how it got there, how that relates to what’s happening with radio, why the market forces that “Big Music” can no longer control will cause it all to change, and a prediction of how and what it will become. (Hint: something where pop music is a lot more like Alison Krauss and Nora Jones, and a lot less like sh-thump-thud, reloving-door-rehab, pop-tart-du-jour, poster-child-for-bad-behavior crap…) You can read it at
After you read it, please feel free to comment what you think!
Larry Wines, programmer-producer-host, “Tied to the Tracks” acoustic Americana radio, syndicated from Los Angeles, with live in-studio performance-interviews, included in “The Best of L.A. 2006” radio lineup by Los Angeles Magazine; editor, “Acoustic Americana Music Guide & News” at and and additional “TttT” news is on the No Depression page and at; Larry is a consultant to artists, musicians, songwriters, festivals, and the music biz, and a feature writer and columnist for FolkWorks (
Check-out Larry’s latest column for FolkWorks at and the extensive “BEST OF 2008 / TOP TEN” feature for FolkWorks, available at
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