THE LONG HAUL: A Gift Guide for Musicians (2023 Edition)

An audiobook makes a great gift for a touring musician. (Photo by Vladimir Sukhachev / Getty Images)
It’s that time of year again! If you’re wondering what to get your musician friends and family members for the holidays, I’ve got just the items you need. Last year I listed items for musicians and music lovers that are still relevant, so if you need more ideas, find that column here!
Musicians spend a lot of time on their phones. It’s nice to have some options for activities that don’t cause crippling anxiety and depression, and can even get the brain in shape!
New York Times Games Subscription
The crossword, Wordle, Connections — all are a great way to start your day! A basic New York Times subscription gets you access to the mini crossword along with other games, and an additional games subscription gets you the full crossword, for overachievers!
An Audible or other audiobook subscription is a great idea, OR you can pick out an audiobook that you enjoyed and send it directly!
Duolingo Subscription
Nothing makes one feel better about eight hours spent in the car than using some of that time to practice a second (or third!) language!
Nail Polish Kit
My friend gifted me this travel nail kit from Olive and June and it’s provided great moments of self-care when I’ve felt like a crumpled Taco Bell bag about to go on stage.
Hair Tools
This Kristin Ess 3-in-1 flat iron has been a tour essential for me this year. One of the best features is an auto shut-off. I’m always forgetting to turn off my heat tools, and you don’t want to burn the venue down by accident because you got distracted writing a set list.
Sturdy Tights
Packing for tour is all about finding items that can work in every situation. I’m pretty sold on Sheertex tights, which do not rip or run; I think they’re made out of metal. They feel kind of crazy to the touch, but it’s worth it to just pack one pair of tights and know that you’ll be set!
Face Mask and Ear Plugs
Any brand will do! But if you want to get real cute and gifty with it, there are some nice designs on Etsy, like these.
Duffel Bag
Lately I’ve been finding myself transporting clothes to the venue from the hotel in reusable shopping bags. This must end! I am in search of the perfect duffel bag for tour, one that can pack into my suitcase if needed. I’m personally asking for this Duffel Bag from AWAY.
Nice Backpack
I was thrilled to discover that Patagonia has an online shop for Worn Wear, which offers great prices on like-new gear. My husband and I both have Patagonia backpacks that have been awesome for tour.
Van Accessories
- Phone holder that charges: My tour manager/bass player extraordinaire Steve recently installed a phone holder like this in my van and it has been a game changer for safely navigating without your phone dying.
- Van power strip: No need to worry about your computer being charged for car work! Behold the van power strip.
- Auto first aid/emergency kit: I have a distinct memory of my friend Cy stabbing his wrist with a metal wire poking out of a broken suitcase in my van. His arm started bleeding aggressively, and we had nothing in the car that could help. At a nearby gas station, we were lucky to encounter a very kind woman with a full first aid kit who was able to patch him up. I am now sold on this auto first aid kit for my traveling friends. You can go really wild with these if you want!
Instrument Cases
If you’re looking to splurge on somebody special, I’ve done the road research, and these are my recommendations for the best instrument cases!
- Calton Guitar Cases: After my guitar was lost in Amsterdam, and then returned cracked wide open by KLM Airlines, I decided it was time to bring out the big guns in guitar cases. With a Calton you should be able to rest easy checking your guitar, even though it may be a bit heavier to carry around.
- BAM Fiddle Cases: When I was in high school, I asked for a BAM violin case for my birthday. At the time it seemed wildly expensive. Sixteen years later, I’m still using that same case! With all of the wear and tear I’ve put on it, that investment seems extremely minimal. These are super lightweight and great for cello and viola as well as fiddle.
- Reunion Blues Banjo Cases: After quickly destroying several subpar banjo cases, I’ve been really happy with my Reunion Blues soft case. Even though it’s soft, it offers enough protection to check your banjo, and it looks minimal enough to pass as a carry on. I usually put my laptop and other plane necessities in the outer pocket in order to get everything on the plane that I need.