Lemon Sun “Same Old Ground”
“I had been out to see them play to a packed house at Spaceland a week or two beforehand, where they had a guest tap dancer, played a Bowie cover, and threw out egg shakers to the audience for the perennial crowd-pleaser, “Same Old Ground.” Their live sets are always an occasion, and never fall short of the ridiculously catchy indie-rock anthems of the albums. So honestly, when they sat down to play, I didn’t know what to expect. But these guys are true to form rockers, and the immediacy of the songs, that infectious charm, the soulful lyrics, the head-bobbing melodies; nothing was lost. These are folkier renditions of the songs than the album versions, which serve the songwriting perfectly. That sense of a little 60’s-jangle. Five talented musicians, messing around with songs they know like the back of their hands. All smiles.” —Elliot Glass, video director