WaKaRuSA 2013 YEA YEA!
To all the bloggers and festi goers,
I, Erin U, have been looking every blessed day to snatch up some tickets to the 2013 WAKARUSA FESTIVAL. I even made a blog just to give it a last chance…
Listed below are the following reasons why I believe I would be the perfect choice:
1.) I haven’t had the money to purchase tickets due to an emergency 9 hour trip to downstate Michigan. Whereas, I ended up spending all my tax return $ that I was planning to use for festivals this year.
2.) My boyfriend and I will be finally moving in together come May 1st. This would be an awesome start to our 12 month lease. Plus, he has NEVER been to a music festival before (he’s from a small town on Lake Michigan).
3.) Him (Joshua) & I love the lineup for WAKARUSA 2013. Soja, Rebelution, Zion I, and the Black Crowes are always playing during our road trips to and from Northern Michigan University. Josh enjoys more of the reggae and bluegrass trends, while I have a taste for it all; Quixotic to Snoop to Yonder Mountain to Emancipator- All very different.
4.) Both of us have never been to Arkansas, so it would be a great road trip & vacation in Josh’s new little sports car.
5.) My first festival was last year @ Electric Forest. I would love to have something to compare it to.
6.) Marquette, Michigan is a hippy/hipster/yooper style of living. I would love to see more free spirited souls in another place. As I come from a urban suburbia city in “the mitten” and have only been introduced to these lovely people at Electric Forest and Marquette.
7.) I would get the job done, and do a damn well job at it 😉
Thanks for reading.
To whomever wins the contest- I cannot wait to read your blog and hear all about it. Hope you all have a magical time!
Much love,
Erin U.