What Would John Doe Do? – Do I Need a Backing Band?
John Doe is the founder of the seminal Los Angeles punk group X, a solo artist and actor. John answers questions from the KnowTheMusicBiz.com community members in the WWJDD? blog.
A Question from Ronquaise in Atlanta
Hi John,
I would like to say thank you so much for all of your help. You have really answered allot of my questions just reading and studying your site. I do have a question, I am a solo artist pop/ R&B I want to know if I should try and put together a backing band or just get backing vocals and dancers? I know it would be easy to travel and allot cheaper, but would I be taken seriously using backing tracks even with dancers and backing vocals. I am new, and I hope to release my Self released album next spring. I don’t want to start out wrong starting out. What happens when it’s not a band but just a solo artist? Please tell me what you think
What Would John Doe Do?
Hey Ron,
Regardless of how you present yr songs or what style the performance takes; getting music to the people is most important thing. If you can’t afford something, don’t go into debt at the start of a project. Though my field isn’t R&B, I’m sure that now-a-days many artists w/ complex backing tracks use pre-record. Are you sure that you need dancers? If the audience in the clubs where yr performing expect that, then bring them.
Have faith in the material & make every effort to get to the audience that will understand yr style of music. Stripped down versions of good songs can be very compelling but you don’t want to waste time at singer songwriter clubs if yr record is very slick & produced. Try to find yr gut feelings & trust them.
I hope this helps, best of luck & as always, thanks for writing.
If you have questions for John Doe about music, the music business or life feel free to email them to wwjdd@knowthemusicbiz.com.
For more information on John Doe check out theejohndoe.com or YepRoc.com .