How do you take five not very noisy instruments that cannot be listened to without electronic amplification except in a rather small room and turn their music into something large groups of people can listen to? Add to this problem […]
How do you take five not very noisy instruments that cannot be listened to without electronic amplification except in a rather small room and turn their music into something large groups of people can listen to? Add to this problem […]
I started making videos just to see if the new technology worked for me. Once I decided they were a pretty good way to share bluegrass music, it became inevitable that I would have to start a You Tube channel […]
The entry below is a reposting of my blog entry yesterday. If you enjoy it, or think it worthwhile, please drop in at my blog at Ted Lehmann’s Bluegrass, Books, and Brainstorms. While the precise numbers aren’t in, and it […]
Below is a re-post of my preview of IBMA’s World of Bluegrass annual convention to be held in Raleigh, NC from September 24 – 28, 2013. Judged by its scope and schedule, this should be the premier bluegrass event in […]
I watched The History of the Eagles film with huge fascination on Showtime a few weeks ago. Beyond the interpersonal conflicts, the lifestyle of a rock band, and the nostalgia of so many songs I remember with pleasure from the […]