my first no depression blog… more than just “the climb”
i flipped on the teevee this morning and watched some random stuff… got to vh1 and they were playing miley cyrus “the climb.”
watching miley cyrus sing about the climb kind seemed a bit silly to me. yes , i know that she probably didn’t write the song… jessi alexander and jon mabe… but i found the “message” to be a bit “off the mark.” she sings… “ain’t about how fast i get there/ ain’t about what’s on the other side/ it’s the climb.” well… it is about what’s on the other side… the idea alludes back the the idea that “it’s the journey and not the destination…” but that phrase is most likely intended for personls so wound up about their goals or material successes that observing, or even enjoying, the process becomes lost to them.
but certainly what’s on the other side of that mountain or climb is paramount to why she, or anyone for that matter, began climbing in the first place. otherswise, she is simply wandering about… “no direction” and her “faith shaking.” cynically speaking, the song itself suggests some concerns we should have as a society… don’t set a goal or have a plan… just go for it! make it happen… don’t worry… if you work hard enough it will all work out… that didn’t work out so well for Clover in animal farm… but the song is not so much about reflecting on the past or becoming aware that the future looms ahead as it is about the present… the now… everything current…
of course the mouth piece of the song, cyrus… the voice of reason to kids is interested in this current moment as that keeps her career current as well… i suppose… or at least her handlers.
weird. i could go on i suppose… but i’m going to drink some coffee and think about my several climbs for today.